“Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24 – New American Standard Bible)

Building faith is a risk taking process.  Everytime that I attempt to use my ability to resolve an issue or trying to take control of something, I am not practicing faith.  I cannot exercise faith in a protected environment.  I need to allow myself to be in a vulnerable environment, so there is no way that I can depend on myself and keep everything in control.  At that very moment that I lose control and feel hopeless, I start to recognize the hope that is solely from God.  I do not know what is happening next and I have fear in a vulnerable situation, but there is one thing that I am certain, which is when something is in God’s control and not mine, the best is going to happen.  I guess this is what faith about:  let go of myself, have the willingness to take risk, allow myself to fall into the arms of God, and be embraced by His love and mercy.

What is your reaction to taking risks? Do you think God is asking you to take some steps that seem risky? What are they? How will you move forward in faith?