「進嶺日間服務中心」是專為21 歲智障人士服務包括自閉症,唐氏綜合症,學習遲緩等。

中心致力發展學生們的德智體群美,提高他們的生活質素,融入社區。老師們更透過一系列的學習程序,協助他們發展對藝術的興趣,抒緩情緒,發展潛能,學生們非常用心地製作了很多獨一無二的畫作,需要社區人士大力支持。例如這些掛在門前或家中的牌子,可以個人指定寫上自己喜歡的句語,包括門牌地址,名字或任何祝福語,送給親戚朋友作為新居入伙或任何慶典都別具意義,是用木板加上Acrylic painting , 並塗上防退色油,永久不會變色,只是售賣30元,送禮之餘亦可以同時做善事,所有收益會捐助智障人士發展服務經費,敬請大力支持,多謝大家🙏

如欲認購請致電 (416) 917 – 0740 許姑娘詢問詳情。價格是由30元至70元.視乎作品的大小。

Holistic Day Support Program is a day program that provides services for adult with developmental disability . We serve individual with different medical diagnosed disabilities such as mentally challenged with Down Syndrome, Autism , and Learning Disabilities.
Our teachers specialize in exploring and developing students’ potential through arts and crafts. Highly customized and structural teaching methodology is employed to ensure students’ full participation and engagement in order to develop their fine motor skills and to enhance their positive emotion.

All students’ artworks reflect their hard work and effort. Each piece is unique and is a great present to special occasions that is available in exchange of a donation. All proceedings go to supporting Holistic Day Support Program to further develop our day program content. To order or pre-order all students’ artwork, price from $30 to $70 , please contact : (416) 917 – 0740 Mo Yin Hui

Thank you for support