Month: February 2017

[太極班] < Tai Chi Class >

內容 (Content): 透過練習太極,提升機能靈活性和改善平衡力,活化腦袋,並可調整心態和姿態,對預防疾病和身心健康皆有幫助 To enhance movement flexibility, improve mental and physical well-being, and health through practicing Tai Chi. 教授: 吳家太極劍 日期 (Date): 5/7/17 – 9/10/17   (十堂/10 Classes) *5/14, 5/21, 6/18,…

[ 舒展瑜珈班 ] < Stretching Yoga Class >

內容 (Content): 透過瑜珈招式練習,提升身體柔軟度和平衡力,並能舒緩肩膀和背痛 To build muscle strength, improve flexibility and relieve pain through practicing yoga poses 日期 (Date): 3/2 – 5/11  (十堂/10 Classes)                       * 3/30 — 放假 No…