Sunday Worship and Sermon (Mar 9th, 2025)
2025-03-09 掉轉窗頭 Reverse the window direction (黃修健牧師)
2025-03-09 掉轉窗頭 Reverse the window direction (黃修健牧師)
Join us online and in-person worship, Sunday LIVE at 11:15am (Toronto time) Address: 501 Alden Road, Unit 2, Markham, ON, L3R 3L4 English Translation link:
Find our latest sermon series, watch the newest sermons, and find our podcast as well. For Audio on Spotify: For Online Video:
IW & COTM 合辦【回 • 留】音樂佈道培靈會(多倫多站),將於3月22日星期六下午3點半舉行,歡迎弟兄姊妹邀請未信朋友家人參加
2025-03-02 聰明/無知 蓋房子的人 Wise / Foolish Builder (黃修健牧師)