Sunday Worship and Sermon (Mar 17th 2024)
新天新地 新耶路撒冷 (黃修健牧師)Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (Mar 17th 2024)
新天新地 新耶路撒冷 (黃修健牧師)Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (Mar 17th 2024)
5月10-12日 Immanuel Worshippers 以馬內利敬拜使團 × Community On The Mount (COTM) 將於三藩市灣區合辦一連三場【躺平•俯伏】音樂培靈會,由黃修健牧師 Dai Joe 主講。聚會於三個不同地區及時間舉行。誠邀弟兄姊妹預留時間參加! 詳情: 5月10日 (星期五) – 東灣 (East Bay) 晚上 7:45pm – 匯點教會 Pleasanton Campus5627 Gibraltar Drive, Pleasanton,…
Immanuel Worshippers 以馬內利敬拜使團 最後召集五月份三藩市灣區培靈會嘅詩班員! 下星期六3月16日就開始第一次練習。盼望喺今次侍奉旅程與你一同成長!#躺平俯伏 #IW詳情及報名請用以下 Google Form 或掃描下圖QR碼:
Jacky Chan & Family commissioning ceremony Date: Jan 7th Sunday, 3pm at COTM Address: 501 Alden Road, Unit 2, Markham Also available live at Zoom
Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (Aug 27th 2023)
Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (May 14th 2023)
Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (Sept 4th 2022)
Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (Aug 28th 2022) English Translation:
Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (Jun 19th 2022) —-
Holistic Day Support Program Community on the Mount – Markham, ON Full-time, Temporary Position Summary This is a summer job, must have been in school and must be going back…
內容 (Content): 透過瑜珈招式練習,提升身體柔軟度和平衡力,並能舒緩肩膀和背痛 To build muscle strength, improve flexibility and relieve pain through practicing yoga poses 日期 (Date): 8/24 – 11/9 (十堂/10 Classes) *8/31 – 10/5—放假 No Class…
內容 (Content): 透過瑜珈招式練習,提升身體柔軟度和平衡力,並能舒緩肩膀和背痛 To build muscle strength, improve flexibility and relieve pain through practicing yoga poses 日期 (Date): 9/15 – 12/1 (十堂/10 Classes) * 10/13 & 11/24—放假 No…
Alpha is an evangelistic course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. It is described as “an opportunity to…