Category: Ministry


5月10-12日 Immanuel Worshippers 以馬內利敬拜使團 × Community On The Mount (COTM) 將於三藩市灣區合辦一連三場【躺平•俯伏】音樂培靈會,由黃修健牧師 Dai Joe 主講。聚會於三個不同地區及時間舉行。誠邀弟兄姊妹預留時間參加! 詳情: 5月10日 (星期五) – 東灣 (East Bay) 晚上 7:45pm – 匯點教會 Pleasanton Campus5627 Gibraltar Drive, Pleasanton,…


Immanuel Worshippers 以馬內利敬拜使團 最後召集五月份三藩市灣區培靈會嘅詩班員! 下星期六3月16日就開始第一次練習。盼望喺今次侍奉旅程與你一同成長!#躺平俯伏 #IW詳情及報名請用以下 Google Form 或掃描下圖QR碼:

[ 舒展瑜珈班 ] < Stretching Yoga Class >

內容 (Content): 透過瑜珈招式練習,提升身體柔軟度和平衡力,並能舒緩肩膀和背痛 To build muscle strength, improve flexibility and relieve pain through practicing yoga poses 日期 (Date): 8/24 – 11/9  (十堂/10 Classes)                       *8/31 – 10/5—放假 No Class…

[ 舒展瑜珈班 ] < Stretching Yoga Class >

內容 (Content): 透過瑜珈招式練習,提升身體柔軟度和平衡力,並能舒緩肩膀和背痛 To build muscle strength, improve flexibility and relieve pain through practicing yoga poses 日期 (Date): 9/15 – 12/1  (十堂/10 Classes)                       * 10/13 & 11/24—放假 No…

Alpha Course

  Alpha is an evangelistic course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. It is described as “an opportunity to…