Sunday Worship and Sermon (Mar 9th, 2025)
2025-03-09 掉轉窗頭 Reverse the window direction (黃修健牧師)
2025-03-09 掉轉窗頭 Reverse the window direction (黃修健牧師)
Join us online and in-person worship, Sunday LIVE at 11:15am (Toronto time) Address: 501 Alden Road, Unit 2, Markham, ON, L3R 3L4 English Translation link:
Find our latest sermon series, watch the newest sermons, and find our podcast as well. For Audio on Spotify: For Online Video:
2025-03-02 聰明/無知 蓋房子的人 Wise / Foolish Builder (黃修健牧師)
2025-02-23 Son Of God 3, Colossians 歌羅西書 1:18-20, (Pastor Eugene Tse)
2024-02-16 , Son Of God 2, Colossians 歌羅西書 1:15-17, (Pastor Eugene Tse)
2025-02-09, 有禍了! (2) Woe to him! (2) (黃修健牧師)
2025-02-02, 有禍了! Woe to him! (黃修健牧師)
2025-01-26 Lament: A prayer of Grief (Pastor Joesph Wong)
2025-01-19 望聞問切 Seeing, Listening, Asking and Pulse-taking (黃修健牧師)
2025-01-12 已讀不回 Call for help, no listen (黃修健牧師)
2025-1-5 成功之旅 The Path to Success (黃修健牧師)
2024-12-29 , Son Of God, Colossians 歌羅西書 1:15a, (Pastor Eugene Tse)
2024-12-22 耶穌、我最好的禮物 Jesus is Our Best Gift (黃修健牧師)
2024-12-15 耶穌宣告 Jesus Declare (黃修健牧師)
2024-12-08 , A God pleasing community (BTS), Colossians 歌羅西書 1:9-15, (Pastor Eugene Tse)
20241201 Location 3+1 (Colossians 歌羅西書 1:1-18)
2024-11-17 Panama Mission Trip sharing 巴拿馬短宣分享
2024-10-27 Sunday Worship Sermon source: How To Bring Out the Best In Your Kids And Others ( Part 1) with Rick Warren
2024-10-06 Moses’ retirement speech (Pastor Eugene Tse)