Sunday Worship and Sermon (Sep 22nd, 2024)
2024-09-22 不二之選 – 那鴻書 Nahum 1:3-15 (黃修健牧師)
2024-09-22 不二之選 – 那鴻書 Nahum 1:3-15 (黃修健牧師)
2024-09-08 Song 2 (Pastor Eugene Tse)
2024-08-25 主耶和華 – 俄巴底亞書 Obadiah (黃修健牧師 )
2024-08-18 Moving Forward (Pastor Eugene Tse)
2024-07-28 最佳員工獎 (黃修健牧師 )
God-themed space 25, R & R part 1, Recognizing (Pastor Eugene Tse)
Jesus Calms The Storm (Pastor Johnny Cheung)
Global Mission 普世使命 (黃修健牧師 )
A God-themed space 22, Say It Loud (Pastor Eugene Tse)
A God-themed space 21, Its Not Fair (Pastor Eugene Tse) Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (May 12th, 2024)
神的全副軍裝 3 ( 黃修健牧師 )Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (May 5th, 2024)
Christ Our Passover (Mr. Bobbie Chiu)Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (Apr 28th, 2024)
神的全副軍裝 2 ( 黃修健牧師 )Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (Apr 21st, 2024)
神的全副軍裝 1 ( 黃修健牧師 )Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (Apr 14th 2024)
A God-themed space 20, Maxing out the priviLeges (Pastor Eugene Tse)Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (Apr 7th 2024)
Spotify Podcast: Apple Podcast:
祂的復活 我們的復活 (黃修健牧師)Easter Sunday Online Worship and Sermon (Mar 31st 2024)
Good Friday, d for..? (Pastor Eugene Tse)Good Friday Worship and Sermon (Mar 29th 2024)