各位,聖誕節是傳遞愛與分享的季節,Holistic Day programs 的學員們用心準備的禮物,既可以作為自用的溫馨選擇,也能成為獨特有意義的送禮佳品。
這不僅是對學員們努力的肯定,更能支持智障人士的服務經費, 幫助他們在社區中找到歸屬感。
Hi everyone, Christmas is a season of spreading love and sharing. The participants of the Holistic Day programs have prepared heartfelt gifts that can be a warm choice for personal use or a unique, meaningful gift for others.
This not only acknowledges their hard work but also supports funding for services for individuals with developmental disabilities, helping them find a sense of belonging in the community. Thank you all for your support in promoting a harmonious and inclusive community!