Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God, this deep, deep wisdom? It’s way over our heads. We’ll never figure it out. Is there anyone around who can explain God? Anyone smart enough to tell him what to do? Anyone who has done him such a huge favor that God has to ask his advice? Everything comes from him; Everything happens through him; Everything ends up in him. Always glory! Always praise! Yes. Yes. Yes. (Romans 11:33-36 – The Message)

Trusting God is an important and difficult lesson to learn. I know God is almighty and He has the power to do everything. In Him, nothing is impossible. However, I have doubts. God says He would fulfill the promises He makes, but will I be fortunate enough to witness the fulfillment of those promises? God says He would provide everything I need and prepare the best for me, but will He gives me enough patience to wait till that day comes? God says He will discipline those He loves, do I truly understand what He wants me to learn or am I just continue to deceive myself? Doubts affect my ability to trust God. Trust and doubt do not get along. I have to ask God to grant me strength to fight against doubts, so I could start trusting Him in small things.

What steps of faith do you need to take today so you can have greater trust in God?

